Saturday, August 2, 2008

Northwest Airlines

Just a quick one here... Did anyone notice that Northwest Airlines is starting to charge a "fuel surcharge" on most domestic flights? If you read my post about oil company profit margins, you know that Northwest Airlines is the one airline that is making a higher profit than any major oil company... yet they have the gall to charge us a surcharge for fuel as though it is breaking their profits...


Raysha said...

My flight from Phoenix to Detroit on the way to Suzi's was on Northwest. Their service sucked and they didn't even hand out peanuts and didn't show a movie either. The lady I was sitting next to told me that they were going to charge extra for anyone over 225 pounds--because of the extra fuel for extra weight. Come on!!! On the way home I flew on Continental and they were soooooo much better. Not only did they give snacks but they also showed a movie.

Laurie said...

Yeah, I still think Southwest is the overall best airline. Prices, customer service, etc. It's really the best deal and as far as I know they don't charge any lame surcharges. LAME!