Friday, December 12, 2008

A break in my laziness...

I've sat down to blog about 87 times in the past month, and each time have found either no motivation, or nothing to say... I'll blog soon about my old truck, Seth, who my parents brought up to me the week of Halloween. I'm in the process of getting him ready to drive (he already drives, but I'm making upgrades). Anyway, I'll save that for another post, with pictures.

Today I want to share a couple of musings I've had in the last couple of days.
1) I assume that most people are like me in that sometimes they are uncomfortable talking to their boss. I don't mean talking about a raise or a promotion, or anything like that... Just making small talk. Sometimes it is a little awkward stopping in the hall to talk to your boss. Another thing that is sometimes awkward is standing at a urinal and making small talk with the guy next to you. Some people refuse to chat in the bathroom. I think for some men, that is their thinking time, and they do not care to be bothered... for some, they just fill "icky" talking while they're in that vulnerable condition... I'm not that guy... it can be a little uncomfortable, but it's not a big deal to me. However, the other day I was walking down the hall, on my way to the bathroom... All of a sudden, I see my boss up ahead turning into the bathroom. I think it is extra awkward to make small talk with your boss while you're both standing at the urinal, so I turned around (he hadn't seen me) and walked all the way to the bathroom at the other end of the building just so I could avoid the situation. I know not many guys read this blog, and girls typically chat it up in the bathroom anyway, so I don't know who feels the same way or not... feel free to share!
2) I hate malls. I went this morning to the Park Meadows Mall. My only purpose in going there was to visit "Dick's Sporting Goods" to get my duck hunting license (they were having a sale on ammo, so that's why I chose to go there). Anyway, the mall really isn't that bad... But, there are several problems I have with the mall.
  • First, I can't stand all of the annoying people at vendor kiosks who want to sell you some magical fragrance, or a brand new phone.
  • Second, I can't stand people who walk slowly, especially if they are walking with a group of about 3-20 people, and feel the need to walk side by side, slowly, through the mall, blocking the entire pathway. How about a little consideration, people?
  • Third, I hate how frickin' retarded people get in mall parking lots. It happens in smaller parking lots too, but it is the worst at malls. They'll wait in their car, blocking the way, for five minutes waiting for someone to pull out, even if there is an empty space three cars away... They can't walk an extra 30 feet, so they'll wait five minutes.
  • Finally, I can't stand it when I'm walking along a clearly established path and some aloof individual suddenly decides to stop and camp right in front of me... "If you want to stand, stand OVER THERE, where people aren't walking!!!!! This walkway is for walking!!!!"

Malls suck...