Saturday, August 9, 2008

My turn to blog about Gracie!

Laurie always gets to brag about the funny things that Gracie does, so the other day, she did something funny and I called "dibs"! The other night, we were trying to convince Gracie to eat her dinner. She used to be so good about eating her dinner, but lately, she's struggling. Anyway, we tried everything... we told her she could have ice cream if she ate "some" of her dinner. We told her if she didn't eat, she couldn't get down. Finally, we told he if she wanted to be a big girl then she had better eat her dinner... she replied by saying, "I big enuff!" Another story I called dibs on.... Last night, we were on our way to Red Robin to eat some burgers, and we were talking about the "Pacifier Fairy" coming to visit Gracie. I don't remember who Laurie got the idea from, but if you're unfamiliar, the Pacifier Fairy comes and takes your pacifier and leaves you a toy... Gracie has been resisting the Pacifier Fairy for quite awhile now, but we've decided that the Fairy will come whether she's ready or not... Anyway, we started talking to Gracie about the Pacifier Fairy coming, and she responded by asking, "The Pacifier Fairy coming? HE bring me a toy?" I swear that I have done nothing to teach her what a fairy is, but she just seems to know through instinct! She knows the difference between boys and girls, and even uses "he" and "she" correctly. I think my daughter may actually have GAYDAR!!!


Laurie said...

Maybe she thinks the "fier" fairy is like Santa. So far the only folks who have left her stuff have been males, i.e., Santa, Easter Bunny, Uncle Sam.....
She's too young for the tooth fairy who everyone knows is female.

Kathy P said...

she is toooooo cute!!! tell her the pacifier fairy loves to eat all his/her food... maybe you can kill two birds with one stone. :)

Levi and Suzi said...

So on another country's men's olymic volleyball team there was a guy whose last name was GAYDARSKI...made me think of your post. That's all.

Gusties said...

I saw that too, Suzaphone!! That was hilarious! I love the Olympics, by the way...

Raysha said...

I might have to pull out the "bink bink fairy" card soon. Thanks for the idea. Oh, and I've been having fun watching the Olympics as well but I watch most things in fast forward on the DVR. I missed out on the Gaydarski guy.