Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Sign Thieves are Pansies!!!!

We've all heard of other people having political signs stolen from their lawns. I think we can all agree, no matter what your political views, that stealing lawn signs is childish and lame... Well, last night, we were over at our friends' house carving pumpkins. When we drove home, we noticed that my lawn signs were in disarray. I had two signs... one for McCain, and one for a Senatorial candidate here, Bob Schaffer. This particular night, there was only a McCain sign left standing, and it was ripped up, and leaning over.
I assessed the damage, and found the Schaffer bent and laying on the ground up by our front porch. The McCain sign was ripped down one side, but still standing. I simply put them back up, and as I was doing so, realized that the only reason the McCain sign was still standing is that it was anchored pretty securely in the dirt... pansies... quitters... can't pull a little sign out, so you run off in shame???
So, I'm not really attached to the signs. It just bugs me that people felt the need to step into my yard to destroy my property... especially that they just left the signs there as litter.
I've tried to think of how I should address the situation. Following are my options, as I see them. Please feel free to add your own!
1) Completely forget about it. Election Day is only 7 days from now, so it's not really a big deal.
2) Next election, if I decide to have yard signs, I will keep a live electrical current running through the wire frame of the sign. That way, if someone decides to grab it, they'll get a little surprise... I will make sure that the current is not deadly, just make them think a bit.
3) I was told that you can get a system to keep dogs from deficating on your lawn. It has a beam around the perimeter of your lawn that, if broken, activates the sprinkler system. I'm thinking I may get such a system that will both turn the sprinklers on, and snap a few pictures! Then, I could embarrass the jerks by sending them into the local paper or something...

Anyway, somebody destroyed my signs... No big deal, but it still makes me want to punch them in the face about 18 times...


Angie said...

I vote for the live electrical current.

Kathy P said...

All of our neighbors in our neighborhood had our "YES on PROP 102" signs stolen... thats the protect marriage ammendment in our state. On the scale of what they COULD do, I guess that is pretty harmless. But I agree with you -- total pansies... and I vote for option 2 -- of course, option 3 would have a more lasting effect and you could use it for other occasions as well... :)

Laurie said...

Yeah I like the electric thing as well.
It just really ticks me off that people are so childish.
Why is it so offensive that there are people that think differently than you.

The Laytons said...

I just can't get over the fact that they couldn't get them out of the dirt. Wow... were these like 10 year old kids that got paid to go steal the neighborhood signs? That's pathetic!
I also vote for the electrical current...Teach them a lesson!

Courtni said...

I also vote for the electrical current, and I would definitely have a video camera to catch it all.

I guess in CA they are having a big problem with the Yes on Prop 8 signs and there is actually a You Tube video I saw where they set signs out and then had cops there to arrest the guy taking the signs. I guess it is a felony in CA to take signs...who knew? Anyway, it is really lame that someone stoops that low.

jamie said...

this whole thing is getting crazy. it's such a divisive issue. good for you for putting up signs, though...sorry they got vandalized.